Silent Hill Homecoming
Thu, 04 Jun 2009 16:57:45 +0200
I cleared the game yesterday
I updated my list of games again. The game was not as bad as I read in the reviews. The story was captivating enough to make me interrupt my progress in Assassin's Creed. However, the game was buggy. I wrote the following to Support [at] Konami, but they haven't replied...:
Here is the lists of bugs I experienced:
  1. the main problem is with the controls. I live in Japan, and I own a Japanese PS3, but I bought the game in the US (I guess that I'm supposed to buy Japanese games... But I prefer playing English versions...). Anyway, the game somehow recognizes that I have a Japanese PS3, and the selection button becomes the CIRCLE button, and the cancel button, the CROSS button. But at some points of the game (for instance, when you have to input a code in the keypad right after you start), the action button is hard-coded to be the CROSS button, so I can't cancel, and I get stuck in those screens, having to quit the game pressing the PS button... I've come up with a solution that makes the game playable:
    - go to the Settings screen
    - configure button options, and reset to defaults
    - at that point, selection becomes CROSS, and cancel, the CIRCLE (the American one, I suppose)

    I have to repeat this routine every time that the game loads a new area, since the controls reset back to CIRCLE-accept, CROSS-cancel, every time I enter a new area.....
  2. if I quit the game using the PS button, there's no problem. But if I press START, and select QUIT from the option menu, sometimes the PS3 freezes completely! I have to turn it off....
  3. "gimmick"-related bugs. In the "Otherworld Sheperd" house, one emblem of the door turned off after I solved all the puzzles. I checked a guide in, where they list all this kind of gimmick-related bugs, and I managed to avoid them, so I could continue playing. Check GameFaqs for details (search "GAME BUG" in the document)
Anyway, I got the happy ending , and I didn't feel like playing again, so I just watched the other endings on Youtube

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