House of the Head
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 22:57:47 +0900
Some years ago I wrote some notes about the brain, after reading a book by Jeff Hawkins, "On Intelligence". Those notes are still in my old homepage, when I was studying at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Someone contacted me, giving me some positive feedback about the notes , and she wanted to contribute a link, but unfortunately I can't edit that homepage anymore.

So, I decided to bring those notes to this homepage too, and I already added the link contributed by Elaine,

House of the Head When I read those again I realize that the brain's "algorithm" is oversimplified. It's interesting because it can be used to explain certain things, but for a better understanding on how the brain works I recommend you to check Steven Pinker's books I may add some more ideas to that page in the future. If that happens, I'll post it here, of course

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