Reflections of the world
Sun, 17 May 2009 15:15:47 +0200
Finally I updated my list of readings. I had many ideas in my head about the list, but I couldn’t decide which one was better... Finally I’ll just use my old format...(*°Д°)

In case someone is interested in the options I had in mind, here they are:

  1. Use the WikyBlog. I dropped this idea because the style was too strict, and hard to customize. I wanted to use the country flags I used in the old list to easily recognize the language of the novel, and stuff like that.
  2. Use iWeb. It doesn’t support tables! I thought you could import tables from Numbers (iWork), but it just attaches the iWork document... Also, I think these pages load too slow, so I wanted something lighter.
  3. Use a DB. Actually, I made the database and stuff, but I still had to make a script for easily inserting entries. Once done, it’s the more versatile option, but then, every time you want to see the list, the web server has to query the DB and rendering the page may take more time. Also, I barely read many books, so just for a few entries a DB may not be worth the effort. So I decided to use simple HTML, and I already had my old list. I decided to invert the order, so recent entries are above, like blogs.

I’m still using my old CSS styles. I may change them eventually, or add more. Let me decide that later on ( ・ω・;) Anyway, I updated the list with the books I recently read,Tabloid Tokyo 2: “101 All-New Tales of Sex, Crime and the Bizarre from Japan's Wild Weeklies”, 宇宙の声, and “The Martian Chronicles”, which I just finished reading tonight. Recently I’ve been reading Science-Fiction, but I hope to continue reading Steven Pinker books soon (´ー`)

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Next year ⏩