Wed, 06 Jun 2012 22:41:06 +0900
I just finished reading "Musicophilia" by Oliver Sacks. A very interesting reading that tries to explain all that goes on in our brains when we listen to or play music, through moving cases of real patients. It's a very interesting reading who made me more curious about music. After reading it, I've started asking to some people in my surroundings and I've found out, for instance, that my piano teacher is a synesthete! Oliver Sacks is also the author of "Awakenings", the book that inspired the Oscar-nominated movie with the same name.

From "The Washington Post": "Curious, cultured, caring, in his person Sacks justifies the medical profession and, one is tempted to say, the human race…. Musicophilia allows readers to join Sacks where he is most alive, amidst melodies and with his patients"


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