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State Machine Designer updated
Sun, 11 Aug 2013 23:47:40 +0900
I replaced all the canvas drawing functions by directly modifying a SVG object using Dracula Graph Library. This library contains some auto-layout features. Try the "Redraw" button to change re-layout.

Try it out here: endavid.com/StateMachine

Download from github: github.com/endavid/StateMachine

State Machine
Wed, 07 Aug 2013 23:10:25 +0900
A couple of weeks ago I created a small script to automatically generate C++ code for a State Machine using YAML as input. I also borrowed a web interface from Evan Wallace and added to it several functionalities, including the option to directly generate the C++ code directly from the web.

You can try the web application here: endavid.com/StateMachine/

The repository of the project: github.com/endavid/StateMachine

Snake on a Sphere
Wed, 07 Aug 2013 22:31:16 +0900
Many of you already know, but just in case I post it here. I've been working on a small game during my free time as a hobby. It's very simple, but at the same time, somehow experimental. You can read about Snake on a Sphere here: snake.endavid.com

Also, a friend of mine wrote an article in Spanish in iPhoneros.com.

I localized the game to English, Japanese, Spanish, and Catalan. And the game should be available in all the App Stores around the world. Search for "snake o.s."

Please write your comments in the App Store.

Twitter widget
Wed, 07 Aug 2013 22:24:13 +0900
I just realized that the Twitter widget on this page was dead. Twitter changed the API so know you have to create a widget first from your account ( twitter.com/settings/widgets ) and then you'll be able to link it to your web page.

Unite Japan 2013
Mon, 29 Apr 2013 10:32:33 +0900
A couple of weeks ago I attended a Unity conference, Unite Japan 2013. The presentation this year were quite interesting, specially the Keynote and the sessions from Unity developers. Here are some notes I took during the event: NOTES

I also gave a talk, but I haven't been able to upload my slides just yet. Bureaucracy takes time. I'll post the link as soon as they get uploaded.

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