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Left brain meets right brain
Mon, 16 Aug 2010 01:05:36 +0900
Recently I read two very inspiring books, "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, and "The Comet & The Tornado", by Don Marinelli (I just updated my list of readings).
I think both those books are nice guides to a happy and healthy life, in their own ways. With the first one, I realized that we should stop loving invisible mans, and loving more other real human beings. We shouldn't be thanking for our meal to some Flying Spaguetti Monster, but we should thank all the real people involved in the production of the food we are taking. Real people.
That's not the only important message, but you should read it yourself if you want to find out more
With the second book, my personal intuitition that we should be using our right brains more than we do nowadays. I started to think about this probably after watching a documentary about Jill Bolte Taylor, and reading her "Stroke of Insight". You can also check her TED presentation. That's the main reason I started learning playing the piano last year. Music is something I never learned before, and should do something good to my right brain.
The guys at ETC, as Don Marinelli explains in "The Comet & The Tornado", try that students use both brain hemispheres, marrying art and technology. It's also good news to hear that the most appropriate media for that is videogames. It means that I'm in the right place! I'm a programmer, so much left-brained. But it's just awesome to work with artists to make those small pieces of both art and entertainment that we call videogames.

Bye bye, WikyBlog
Sat, 24 Apr 2010 01:16:06 +0900
I got rid of my WikyBlog. I was tired of all the attacks I was getting every week trying to hack the site. Or rather, the site was already hacked and it was being used to attack other sites?

I'm not sure. Either way, they installed some r57.php script there, maybe to find the backdoor of the host server.

When will hackers learn to behave? La primavera la sangre altera....

House of the Head
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 22:57:47 +0900
Some years ago I wrote some notes about the brain, after reading a book by Jeff Hawkins, "On Intelligence". Those notes are still in my old homepage, when I was studying at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Someone contacted me, giving me some positive feedback about the notes , and she wanted to contribute a link, but unfortunately I can't edit that homepage anymore.

So, I decided to bring those notes to this homepage too, and I already added the link contributed by Elaine,

House of the Head When I read those again I realize that the brain's "algorithm" is oversimplified. It's interesting because it can be used to explain certain things, but for a better understanding on how the brain works I recommend you to check Steven Pinker's books I may add some more ideas to that page in the future. If that happens, I'll post it here, of course

Uncharted 2: Among AWESOMEness
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 01:13:04 +0900
I just cleared Uncharted 2 It's a great game! I hope I can make those (or better) graphics on PS3... Anyway, I update the list of videogames, since I had been lazy recently....

Happy New Reading 2010!
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 02:33:20 +0900
A bit late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! Recently I finished reading "Physics of the impossible", by Michio Kaku, so I just updated the Readings section. I also recommend that you check Kaku's radio program "Explorations". Here's the link to its podcast: EXPLORATIONS Today I was listening in the podcast about a book called "Broken Arrow", on recently disclosed information on American nuclear bombs that accidentaly fell at different places, like 4 bombs that fell in Spain... Another interesting topic was about space debris. We are surrounding the Earth with garbage and nobody seems to care... Satellites may fall one day on your back yard! (just as "broken arrows" may do too....) Scary...

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